Friday, September 01, 2006


I think this post is here just because I want to have a line reading "September 2006" in my archive menu...

Yeah, definitely.

I should be writing something about Bleach. I should be writing something about Odyssey 5, which I just finished watching...but I just don't have the energy right now. And as I'm going to be offline for quite a while, it's going to have to wait (not that it matters much, when I think about it).

So, I guess this post is just the expression of a random whim, a little bit of bandwidth and disk space waste--but with all the junk clogging cyberspace, I don't think anyone will notice or be bothered. And I get my September line.

Okay, gotta go. I have an itch to take care of.

Writing ^^

Take care and behave, world.

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