Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Go, LibDems! Go!

On Thursday, citizens from all over the UK will go to the polls. I hope they kick Tony Blair’s ass all the way to the Shetland Islands and beyond.

As luck would have it, Thursday is a legal day-off--wait, it’s a day-off here, not in the UK. Ah, that means that getting as many people as possible to take the time to go to the polls and do their duty won’t be as easy as I had first thought. Can anyone tell me why those coutnries that keep bragging that they’re the greatest democracies in the world keep maintaining a system in which voting isn’t compulsory, and in which they organise their election day on a weekday? How can you exepct a big voters' turn-out when you tell people to go vote on a day when they’re supposed to be working, and when their boss isn’t gonna give them the day off or the morning off or two hours off to do it? And just how can you honestly pretend your democracy is the best when it’s based on a system as crappy as that, pray tell?

Ah well, I’m not going to continue along those lines, otherwise this post is going to be miles long, and I’m gonna be whining for hours on end (not to mention make myself a lot of enemies).

The point of this post, as its title so subtly indicates, is to get anyone of British nationality who’d stumble upon it to get themselves moving and voting Liberal Democrat.


You can do it, people! There's a life outside of Labour and the Conservatives! There's more to the political spectrum! The Liberal-Democrats exist, they’re not demons out of limbo--at least they weren't last time I checked (but then, maybe I am a demon out of limbo, and maybe I'm also hell incarnate).

LibDems are the one, real altervnative to dear old lying Tony.

And, once again, yes, you may vote for them. Don’t worry, it’s not dirty, you won’t be sent off into hell once you get out of the polling station. If enough of the british people vote for the Liberal-Democrats, then they will wield enough power to be a major influence, they might even enter a majority and then have a say in decisions. Please, enough with this stupid reflex of thinking there are only two parties. It’s not so.

Government coalitions WORK.

They truly do. Take it form someone living in a country where no single political party has ever been in power alone, where coalitions are a habit as old as the country itself. No, government coalitions don't exist to herald the coming of the next apocalypse, I haven't spotted riders lately, not even around the Vatican. So you're safe. Go ahead! Nothing bad can happen, the Conservatives won't gain power. all that can happen is Labour beinf gorced to build a coalition with the Liberal-Democrats. And that, I swear, would bring a lot of interesting new things in the so well ordered British political life.

Vote for the Liberal-Democrats, and turn them into a power to be reckoned with.

Vote for the Liberal-Democrats, and take your destiny in your own hands, stop bowing to traditions and habits.

Vote for the Liberal-Democrats, and prove that things can change.

Prove that YOU can make things change.

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