Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Give Us A Break

There are many grave things happening in the world. Terror has struck India, the US at last declares its will to abide by the Geneva Conventions (bye bye, torture) while hypocritically trying to cover up for its actions during these last years (the Pentagon claimed its policies always generally complied with the Geneva Conventions--and mock drownings or other niceties are part of all good youth Summer camps as we all know), and yet the media remain hopelessly stuck on a football(*) match.

On a few seconds of a match, to be exact. Come on, people, yes, Zidane struck Materazzi. Yes, Zidane deserved the Red Card. No, there is no excuse for a great professional player such as he, used to all these insults that are the everyday life of a pro during matches, to react that way, no matter what Materazzi said, be it about his mother, his sister, his cat if he has one, or anything.



Now, get over it, and get a life!

Not only are the media beyond ridiculous in their obsessive quest for the words that triggered Zidane's anger--it does NOT matter, people, it is DONE. You will NOT have this match replayed--but what's more now the low-lives that are the Far Right people, in France and in Italy, are now joining the fray. The stench of racism is now appearing in newspapers, be it because they are the tool of the Far Right, or because they relay what they have the gall to call "information" in order to get more audience.

I am starting to think there is no limit to the mediocrity of the Far Right. I hope this blow right back in its face. I also hope the general media will at last give up on this hysteria, and finally realize that the World Cup is OVER.

The world keeps on turning.

Wars keep happening. People keep dying. Iraq is still there. Israel is bombing Gaza back into the stone age with the most ludicrous of pretexts, global warming is coming along way faster than first estimated...

Yeah, I think there are other things to consider right now.

Just a bit more important than a stupid head blow.

(*) Oh, not the American thing that is armored-rugby, football, you know, the game that's played with feet, hence the sport's name...

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